Rohnert Park Gymnastics Boosters is a 501c(3) non-profit corporation whose mission is to support a high-quality experience for every gymnast of the Rohnert Park Gymnastics Team.
About RPG Boosters
Rohnert Park Gymnastics Boosters Organization aspires to be an outstanding athletic booster organization that supports the provision of a high-quality experience to every gymnast of the Rohnert Park Gymnastics Team. A high-quality experience is one in which every gymnast:
Feels safe with her teammates, coaches, and in her gymnastics environment
Is enthusiastic and committed to her development as a gymnastic athlete
Has fun competing
Feels like an important and respected part of the team regardless of performance
Learns the skills, tactics and strategies of the sport and improves as a gymnast
Develops personal assets such as confidence, positive peer influence, self-esteem, and graciousness that have value beyond competitive gymnastics.
Supporting the Rohnert Park Gymnastics Team requires active collaboration between the team coaches, directors and parents. We are committed to creating a positive culture in which athletes, coaches, officials, fans and families work together to achieve our mission.
Lizzie Walls Competitive Programs Director [email protected] (general contact)